Electronic board display
Being able to find and navigate your way to a suitable vacant parking space in Putrajaya by providing data and clear signage to the nearest car park and information on the number of available parking spaces on-street and off-street are key to reducing search time for vacant spaces which consequently leads to a reduction in traffic volumes, emissions as well as helping to reduce noise and sound pollution.
Parking Guidance System is Future Development Project. The tender closing date is 28 September 2021. This project is part of the scope of the Public Information System (PIS) tender.

Existing (to be expanded & enhanced)

Future Development
“The Fast, Convenient, and Low-emission Way to Find Parking Spaces.”

Signs can be used as an approach road. This can lead the driver to an area of the car parks where there are spaces available or inform them that a car park is currently closed. As the driver moves closer to their final destination the signs can begin to show more detailed information, from just ‘spaces’ to highly accurate information about the number of free spaces on each level of a multi-story car park.

The wayfinding signs ensure the driver can move quickly from the entry lane to the best level and finally a specific bay as quickly and smoothly as possible. Car park operators can then make use of the data such systems generate to guide lost customers back to their car, to ensure that enough special visitor bays are available, and to improve the flow of traffic around the facility all of which ensures that the effects of pollution inside the structure are reduced as much as possible.