OSC 3.0 Monitoring System

The Challenge
Planning permission, infrastructure and building plan approval, landscape plan approval, renovation and permit requires input from various parties. Any delay may result in disruption in development progress of Putrajaya. Hence there is a need to have a computerized system in managing the submissions received and to speed up approval processes. Since 2000, PPj has come up with a system named Sumber Putra Phase 1 (SPP1) and subsequently in 2004 PPj enhance the system with Sumber Putra Phase 2 (SPP2). With the adoption of One Stop Centre (OSC) in 2007, OSC Monitoring System (OSCMon) was developed to help PPj OSC Secretariat to manage all submissions that come through them. By 2012, submissions and processing of landscape approval are also made online using a system called ESKL.
The Solution
With the introduction of OSC 3.0 model by Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) that keep track the development until completion, PPj has developed a system that follows OSC 3.0 model while combining workflows and systems in PPj into one OSC 3.0 Monitoring System (OSC 3.0 System) in 2017. This is a ‘one system for all’ where all stakeholders are using the same system in preparing and submitting applications (public and consultant), processing the applications (PPj), giving technical comments (external agencies), updating project progress based on OSC 3.0 model (consultants) and data analysis from dashboards and reporting (management). In this system, planning permission, infrastructure and building plan approval, landscape plan approval, renovation and permit submissions are prepared and submitted online. Furthermore, the processing of the submissions from comments, reviewing plans and letters, meetings and approval are all done online.
Previous systems can only be accessed internally within PPj network. However, the new system allows users to access the system anywhere whenever the Internet is available. In this way, preparation, submission, updating, processing of submissions and even OSC meetings can be made anywhere and anytime. The responsive design of the system also allows the system to be accessed from many forms of devices; from PC and laptops to tablets and smartphones.
Information availability allows for analysis to be done by PPj in the system by dashboards and reports. These tools help the management and staffs to make quick decision. Fast information dissemination is also possible where any communication between users are made via email or by accessing OSC 3.0 System Portal. In this way any result of applications can be communicated fast to the stakeholders and may help in fast development of the city. Land planning and development control is an evolved process. By analysing the chronology of activities logged for each submission, any discrepancies in any submission processing can be detected and improvement to the processes can be made.
In January 2017, development of OSC 3.0 System began. However, the actual work started nearly a year earlier when sessions were conducted between PPj IT Division and PPj technical teams to agree on a common workflow for all user processes and to combine all systems into one system together with the scope, design and initial requirements.
OSC 3.0 System has 5 main components; Portal, E-Submission, Internal Processing, External Comments and Document Filing. The Portal is where the information regarding OSC PPj is displayed. Viewers can get information such as rules and regulations, contact persons, date for meetings and user manuals. Checking current status of a submission can also be made in the Portal.
E-Submission is where registration of consultants and public take place. The consultant and public then prepare the submission – inserting required input and uploading supporting document. Automatic calculations of submission fees are made by the system based on the input inserted by the applicant. From time to time, the applicant will use E-Submission to check for current status, prepare new submission or to update project progress.
Submission processing is made using Internal Processing. Many operations related to PPj are done here such as assigning coordinator of a submission, viewing of submission details and supporting documents including plans, comments by technical teams, uploading letters and status update. This system is also used in OSC meetings.
Agencies such as Bomba are required to make comments using External Comments. Besides making comments, agencies are also able to view submission details as well. Finally, Document Filing is where all documents such as letters and plans from consultants and PPj staffs are stored for record purposes.
PPj has shared the implementation experiences of OSC 3.0 System with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. From a few presentations and discussions, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government has decided to develop a pilot project of new OSC 3 Plus Online System that is based on OSC 3.0 System. The system is now implemented in some of local authorities throughout Malaysia.
Since the end of 2017, OSC 3.0 System has won a few recognitions such as President’s Award at Malaysia Institute of Planners (MIP) Planning Excellence Award 2017, Gold Award at Regional Team Excellence (RTEx) 2019, 5-Star Gold Award at Annual Productivity and Innovation Conference Exposition (APIC) 2019 and Winner of Public Sector (State) at APIC 2019. OSC 3.0 System is also part of exhibition regarding Smart Putrajaya for the whole 2019 such as at Malaysia Urban Forum (MUF) 2019, Digital Putrajaya Exhibition and Conference (DiPEC) 2019, National Planning Congress (NPC) 2019 and KL Summit 2019.
As the City of Putrajaya celebrates its Silver Jubilee, Perbadanan Putrajaya is extremely honoured to be receiving the AIM Future City Award under the category of The Future Government Award for the OSC 3.0 System.