Putrajaya Lake Water Quality Management System
An early detection of pollutants and assist in investigation to identify the pollution sources. The system will provide:
- Early Warning System /Loading
- Temp, Turbidity, Cond, Salinity
- BOD, COD, TSS, pH, DO, NH3N- WQI online
- Chlorophyll, BGA, Chloride etc.
- Pollutants Trending
- Continuously capturing the effluent discharge;
- Assess Effectiveness of Management Strategies and Mitigating Measures
Objectives of Water Quality Monitoring
- To monitor and assess the water quality (rivers/lakes) for its suitability by the determination of compliance to appropriate standards such as:
- Putrajaya Lake Water Quality Standard (PLWQS), PJC
- National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia (NWQS)-DOE
- National Lake Water Quality Criteria and Standards 2015-NAHRIM
- National Standard for Drinking Water Quality, MOH.
- To identify and investigate pollution sources such as:
- bacteriological contamination
- eutrophication
- Other pollutions (acidification, aesthetic degradation etc.)
- To recommend appropriate remedial & preventive actions.